August 28, 2021
#AAJA21 Daily Convention Update


Community At Our Core

In this issue: 

  • Must-Sees and To-Dos
  • #AAJA21 Day 5 Program
  • Friday highlights
  • Connect at #AAJA21

Ben Fong-Torres’ playlist... Sewell Chan's booklist... Gene Park’s 69k Twitter followers… who knows what might happen in the last 24 hours of #AAJA21!?

It’s the last day of #AAJA21, but #AAJAFamily is always here ❤ Today, we focus on the strength and diversity of the AAPI community, as well as taking care of each other and ourselves. This year has been an especially difficult one, but our hope is that #AAJA21 has been a space to find community, inspiration, and wisdom. 


  • Our final two plenaries: Moving Forward with the Legacy of Vincent Chin and our closing program, Boldly Moving Forward and Keeping the Story Alive
  • Discussions on self-care as a caregiver, cultivating meaningful mentor-mentee relationships, an off-the-record chat on workplace unionizing
  • The 2nd Asian Podcast Festival, happening this morning from 11:30 a.m. EST!
  • Our annual AAJA Film Festival that is closing out #AAJA21!



Saturday at #AAJA21 (all times in E.T.)

Munch on brunch (from an AAPI owned restaurant!) while tuning into the 2nd Asian Podcast Festival at #AAJA21 from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. or checking out these great sessions:

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

1 - 2 p.m.

2 - 3 p.m.

3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Changing of the Guard: Adapting and Innovating with Audience and Inclusion at its Core

Join us from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. for our Closing Program: Boldly Moving Forward and Keeping the Story Alive

Last but not least, we’ll end with our annual AAJA Film Showcase from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.


Highlights from Day 4

Alternate Pathways

Gene Park shared more tips in this Twitter thread after “Building Your Personal Brand.” Read that Waluigi article here! And a pretty NICE moment happened during this panel, too...

Take a moment to read Chris Casquejo's moving thread about beloved late member, Maria Mercader of CBS News. 

Ruby Ibarra: “Art and music always help start discussions around uncomfortable topics....While we're in the midst of organizing to dismantle patriarchy and colorism, we still have to celebrate who we are and where we come from."

Check out the music videos played during Features Forum last night: “US” by Ruby Ibarra, “ANTI” by Lyrics Born, “GOLD” by Ella Jay Basco and Ruby Ibarra

"The act of informing people and telling truthful things in support of democracy is inherently good. Will it be enough to save democracy? The jury's out on that one. But is it worth doing and devoting oneself to? It absolutely is." — Sewell Chan

For more highlights from Day 4, Day 3, Day 2 and Day 1, click through AAJA’s daily Twitter threads capturing all the action in real time! 


Ways to Connect at #AAJA21

💡 #AAJA21 is hosted on Cadence. Learn how to use it to best enhance your #AAJA21 experience with these tutorials.

💡 If you missed something from yesterday, recordings of the sessions are viewable here.


Thanks to Our Presenting Sponsors:


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